Write As Rea

The happy intersection between what I want to write and what people want to read.

Say it really fast and it sounds like behind! Words. I’m just playing around with words like I do occasionally. I love them as much as always. Soon the year 2015 will be behind us, and as my posts have increased so has the feeling that I have finally settled into a purpose for my life that makes sense for me.

My calling. My pace. My happiness in my own skin. It’s a good feeling. It doesn’t always stick around long, but I regularly feel peace about this and I know that means I am heading down the right path.

Thanks to my readers, however you found me, for coming on the journey with me. I’m certain next year will be full of new adventures. I have a writing project close to completion so I am excited for that…and there is always S.h.o.d. (nothing like fixing a leaky shower on New Year’s Eve to give me an idea for a project post.)

Of course, I could randomly disappear for a month or two as well. You never know with me, but I guess that’s where the ‘my pace’ part of the equation comes in. Sorry for being capricious.

I seem to complete my goals/resolutions a little late, but I find I do actually finish a surprising number of them, so I keep making them and checking things off-even years later. Sometimes making the effort is enough for me. I keep trying. I hope you do too.

May you greet the next year with purpose. Write the words you are meant to write. Read. Dream your dreams…and I will do the same.

Happy New Year!


4 thoughts on “Post-ier-year

  1. Loved title of this post it made me laugh! Happy new year to you… Hey its better late than never they say so you are set on being a little late on your goals…great post


    1. Rea says:

      Happy New Year to you as well! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Glad you enjoyed it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Servetus says:

    Happy New year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rea says:

      And you! Hope 2016 treats you well!

      Liked by 1 person

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